Promotion package book-bundle google


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If you have published and want to promote a book and marketing service provider specializing in selling books. With a specialist team dedicated to their work, you can be sure your book will easily get into the hands of readers all over the UK.

Working closely with librarians and schools and exhibits at local and national events to ensure your children’s book is visible where it should be.

If you have a complete book or one that’s in the works and needs specially targeted marketing services. We prepare your social media channels for the advertising or set it up for you if you dont have one yet.

Our book publicist is a London-based book marketing service provider specializing in promoting books. You will get reviews from 10 renowned critics and also we create social media posts for you to get you started.

The Book publicist is big on building the profiles of their writers while marketing their books. Among the services they offer in their packages include:

  • Serialization of books.
  • Securing reviews on Major distribution channels (excluding TV and radio).
  • Organizing commentaries and guest writing opportunities in UK-based publications.

If you are a new author, we can also help you create a social media presence for your book and assist with creating digital content for your online platforms.

The purpose of a sales promotion

At first, it might seem that offering promos and deals is a self-destructive behavior that shortchanges your business. That would be terrible…if it were true. In reality, though, your business benefits from sales promotions just as much as your customers:

  • Minimize risk: A balanced approach to promotions minimizes risk to your company. In other words, so long as you’re not offering endless, outrageous deals that wouldn’t be sustainable for your business, your promos are likely to create win-win situations.
  • Make a profit: The sense of urgency and desire created by short-term offers means that your sales can increase significantly. In fact, you could end up making more profit than you would if you were doing business as usual.
  • Attract new customers: No better way to catch the eye of someone new than with an exciting offer
  • Retain customers: Deals and discounts keep your customers engaged and happy; and you know what that means. Loyalty!
  • Speed up your sales cycle: Promotions are great top-of-funnel offers that can get prospects on your nurture path.

And the list goes on. You can get rid of aging product, increase product awareness, promote a new product, activate dormant customers, and improve your brand reputation.


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